TEST. RELEASE. PAY. And that from anywhere and anytime!bookman, the app for digital invoice management.Everything that companies do with incoming invoices can be done digitally with bookman: checking invoices, starting approval workflows, making payments, storing documents and forwarding them to financial accounting/tax advice: everything is completely digital, automated and without media discontinuity. It doesnt matter whether its a startup, a family business or a larger organization: bookman is suitable for all size classes and fits seamlessly into existing systems.bookman was developed by tax experts and now inspires more than 1,000 companies. Lean, digital processes and AI-supported data extraction save companies valuable time and digitize a central area of their corporate administration.The world of work is becoming increasingly mobile. bookman runs on all systems and devices, regardless of location. In this way, bookman is geared towards todays office cultures and adapts flexibly to requirements.